Isaac Hannaford – Halo Concept Art

During the production of a video game, many rough sketches are made. These sketches may vary widely from the final product, but its amazing to view what a game could have been. In this case, its the art of Halo 3, Halo ODST, and Halo Reach being defined by the incredible Isaac Hannaford.

Here is a short gallery showcasing some of the many pieces that can be found on his website.

Click on picture for enlarged details.

Spartans Fight Off The Flood

New Alexandria

An early sketch of Jorge (Halo Reach)


Early UNSC Communications Outpost

Tactical Nuke

ODST Initial Concept Artwork

Early Boneyard Concept Art

As stated before, these are just some of the dozens of artworks on his website, and I strongly suggest checking it out if you are a Halo fan.

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