Top Ten Hardest Zombie Achievements

After posting my thoughts on Left 4 Dead 2 yesterday, I felt that I should show you the toughest zombie achievements ever!

(Thanks to for pictures!)

10. One Is All I need (Dead Island)

Kill Five Infected in a row with a single blow

While the requirements for this achievement weren’t incredibly hard sounding, this achievement had many players struggling simply because it took a lot of luck over skill. By the time you’re actually trying to get this achievement, a single headshot rarely kills a zombie.

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Ten Things Left 4 Dead 2 Did Wrong

Left 4 Dead 2 was an exciting new take on the legendary zombie survival game; Left 4 Dead. Unfortunately, the game felt rushed and lacked many of the traits that made Left 4 Dead so memorable. Here’s ten things Left 4 Dead 2 did wrong, and how they can approve for Left 4 Dead 3.

10. Lack of tension

In Left 4 Dead, everywhere that you visited was coated in darkness. You were forced to feel uneasy, even when you knew perfectly well that there weren’t scripted terror moments. It kept you not only on your toes, but also gave a unique atmosphere that is rarely seen in video games. However, its sequel was almost entirely in daytime. Among its five campaigns, dark carnival was the only one to feature prominent darkness. While I don’t necessarily want terror, I do want the amazing atmosphere. I would cite the parish as being the only campaign that worked better in daylight.

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