Top Ten Hardest Zombie Achievements

After posting my thoughts on Left 4 Dead 2 yesterday, I felt that I should show you the toughest zombie achievements ever!

(Thanks to for pictures!)

10. One Is All I need (Dead Island)

Kill Five Infected in a row with a single blow

While the requirements for this achievement weren’t incredibly hard sounding, this achievement had many players struggling simply because it took a lot of luck over skill. By the time you’re actually trying to get this achievement, a single headshot rarely kills a zombie.

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Survival Mode versus Nazi Zombies

Call of Duty is known for its incredible multiplayer and an engrossing campaign. Beyond these two modes of focus, there are two modes dedicated to staying alive against waves of enemies. Survival Mode and Nazi Zombies.

Key Features

Nazi Zombies

  • Offers four-player cooperative gameplay.
  • Dozens of secret easter eggs hidden within.
  • Ten maps dedicated to zombies only.
  • Extra abilities that can radically change the game (double life, explosive jump,etc.)
  • Pack-a-Punch allows you to drastically change the performance of your weapon.
  • Several wonder weapons which have super-powers (turn zombies into humans, freeze zombies, unleash a super blast, etc.)

Survival Mode

  • Allows you to call in A.I. support.
  • 1-2 player support.
  • Playable on all sixteen multiplayer maps.
  • Features increasingly hard enemies (Dogs strapped with C4, Juggernauts, etc.)
  • Endless self-revives.
  • Rewards players with new weapons and ranks.
  • Features almost all weapons in the game.

Nazi Zombies clearly offers more originality and focuses more on team-play. Survival mode focuses more on leveling up, and offering something for those who liked combat training.

So which one is better? Well Nazi Zombies certainly had me hooked. It offered almost endless replay value because there was always something new to do. Whether it’s exploring the whole map, sending the crew to paradise, or just playing around with pack-a-punch, you can’t deny the large amount of creativity brought to the table. After playing Nazi Zombies, you might not even feel like you experienced Call of Duty. Not to mention the large amounts of comedy involved. Your character’s comments on his situation reminded me a lot of Left 4 Dead. However, connection issues were often a large problem for anyone who wanted to play online. The mode was also stuffed with bugs, some of which could completely ruin your game. Finally, the chances of your survival was almost entirely random, based on what weapons you got from the box of mystery, and if you had reasonable teammates.

On the other hand, Survival Mode offers a much more realistic approach than Nazi Zombies. It allows much more designing in terms of weapons. If you want to upgrade your SCAR-L with a red dot sight, you can. If you want to call in a team of people with riot shields, you can. This mode will likely be more attractive to multiplayer fans than the zombie mode was. Another great addition was the ranking system. Playing hard boosted your rank up and allowed others to see your top scores and rounds lasted. When playing Survival Mode, you also were almost guaranteed to last a while. In Nazi Zombies, rounds would often only last ten to twenty minutes. In survival mode, you can easily last forty-five minutes, to an hour. unfortunately the harder modes of survival become annoyingly difficult. If You have ever tried combat training on veteran, you will understand when I say that sometimes, the game will cheat you. Plus, once you’ve hit level fifty, there isn’t much to do.

Overall, I’d have to give my award to survival mode. It offers a lot of fun on and offline, and none of it will have you tossing your controller in frustration. The game mode offers multiple difficulties as well which is huge in my opinion. Whether you’re looking to be challenged, or just show off for your friend in split screen, Survival Mode is something we can all enjoy.

Agree? Disagree? Let me know what you think in the comments below.